
Ugh! I had all these plans of getting my crafty on today, but I woke up sick. 😦
I have a men’s shirt I wanted to finish refashioning and a purse I was going to work on. I was even going to take pictures and everything!
Oh well, nothing to do now but read and watch my “sick” movies.
What? Don’t you have sick movies? Mine are: Love Actually, The Cutting Edge and Dirty Dancing. Total guilty pleasure chick flicks I know, but it’s my sick ritual. See, I told you I picked up other rituals!


I quit smoking 7 years ago this month. Wow, 7 years. Yay! for me.
However, today as I was leaving a store I saw a women walk out tapping her pack of smokes. Made me miss the ritual of smoking.
Not the act of smoking it’s self! Hell no, I don’t miss that at all. What I miss is packing the cigarettes. Chosing one, holding it gently in mouth my as I retrieve my lighter from my purse. Finally, that first long slow drag and the complete exhale that followed.
Not the taste, the smell, or the cost; nope just the ritual.
Isn’t it strange how you can go months, even years, without thinking about something and then pow! it all comes back to you?
Or even how we replace old rituals with new ones?