I would rather be sewing

Instead, I’m working the next couple of days.
Silly me signed up for an extra shift on Thursday. Oh well, the money will be nice.
*for those not in the know: I work 12 hour shifts, 3 days a week. 12 hours makes for a long day, but having 4 days off a week is really nice.

Anyway, I have all these plans to sew a skirt, a dress, and maybe even shorts! Sadly, my sewing is limited to looking at sewing blogs. When I get some time, I’ll post some of my favorite blogs.

If at first you don’t succeed…

Michelle’s blog, take 2.
Sadly my first attempt at blogging did not go as planned. Sure it started off great: weekly posts, lots of pictures, charming wit, but then it petered off.
What happened? you may be asking. Perhaps more importantly: what’s going to be different this time around?

Well, life happened. Simple as that.
Of course, it didn’t help any that I set myself up for failure.
You see, I realized I was attempting to follow what I thought was a good formula for a blog: light-hearted, all about knitting/dancing/school. Did I mention charming wit? While that is a big portion of my life, it’s not all there is. Not that I am a Grumpy Gils, quit the contrary. It’s just if I am going to this, it’s going to be real. Period.

Still with me?

Good, enough with the serious introduction. I am thrilled to be back in the blog-o-sphere! I’m looking forward to sharing all my adventures (crafty and otherwise) with you.
If you want to know more about me, you have a few options:
Read my “About” page
Keep reading my adventures